It's all about me, Life in the West Country

In which there is a look back at 2022

It’s the annual naval-gazing questionnaire, the only thing that’s powered my blog for the last few years. Maybe 2023 is the year I get back into more regular posting?

I’ve also just realised that today marks 15 years since I started writing this little blog. Happy birthday PFTEOTWC!

1 What did you do in 2021 that you’d never done before?

Visit Legoland. Fundraise for our local pool. Go bike camping. Enjoy an interactive art exhibition. Take Mini W to a Somerset carnival. Visit a reindeer farm. Dye my hair pink.

2 Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

Last year I didn’t actually set any. I’m always on an ongoing quest to be more patient, and more present. I’d also like this year to do more swimming and more group bike rides, and be more creative, but use social media less. I had hypnotherapy last year to kick an old, irritating habit and I really, really want 2023 to be the year this disappears.

3 Did anyone close to you give birth?

Yes, two friends gave birth in June. And our friends adopted a four-year-old in July which was lovely.

4 Did anyone close to you die?

No, which is good as I’m still processing my mom’s death at the end of 2022.

5 What countries did you visit?

Back in 2019 we made the decision to stop flying for the time being. Now travel restrictions are pretty much over, we did take advantage of S’ parents renting a holiday cottage in France and joining them for a week in June. Mini W absolutely loved travelling on the ferry and the games room at the holiday cottage. I was supposed to meet my German best friend B in Paris for a day, which unfortunately got scuppered at the eleventh hour, so S’ parents came with us instead for an overnight stay. Let’s just say I won’t be taking Mini W on a city break any time soon…

6 What would you like to have in 2023 that you lacked in 2022?

I don’t think I lacked anything in 2022 which, considering the state of the world, is a very fortunate position to be in.

7 What dates from 2022 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

My mom’s funeral on 28th January.

8 What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Turning forty. Throwing a birthday party for Mini W with 20 five-year-olds that everyone enjoyed — man, children’s birthday parties are stressful!

9 What was your biggest failure?

A work project that got postponed halfway through the year and still hasn’t launched. It’s a subject that’s dear to my heart so I really want to get it working this year. I also failed to grow a sweetpea wigwam. This is the year!

10 Did you suffer illness or injury?

My knee is still playing up so I decided to get a physio assessment for it. The physio said that not only could they strengthen the knee, but with some intensive work I could also improve my wonky hips and wonky gait. I also finally succumbed to covid in April, but luckily it was pretty mild.

11 What was the best thing you bought?

Physio sessions to fix the above – pricey but I’m seeing it as a long-term investment. An electric essential oil diffuser – I’m getting more obsessed about the house smelling nice. A beaded fiddle ring – to help distract me from other bad habits!

12 Whose behaviour merited celebration?

My husband and my friends, for checking in, making sure I was OK and knowing that I always had someone to talk to.

13 Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?

Our government. They’re such an embarrassment and a disgrace on multiple levels.

14 Where did most of your money go?

Physio sessions! And solar panels for our house. We haven’t got them installed yet, but the plan is that they’ll be functioning by spring.

15 What did you get really excited about?

Turning forty and having a big party with lots of friends from different areas of my life. Celebrating other people’s fortieth birthdays. Catch ups IRL. Seeing my friend Z who was visiting from Australia. Swimming in the sea. Going to carnival and introducing Mini W to it.

16 What song will always remind you of 2022?

‘Dancing With Character’ by Rae Morris. It’s beautifully poignant, and always makes me think about my mom and dad.

17 Compared with this time last year, are you:

– happier or sadder?

Happier. The end of 2021 was horrendous, but as 2022 went on, the fog from my mom’s death lifted and things started to brighten. I have so much to be grateful for, and events in the wider world really do bring home how fortunate I am.

– thinner or fatter?

Thinner. In the summer I realised I was carrying a little more weight than I wanted to, so I’ve been cutting back on drinking (not that I drink to excess), making sure I walk more, and getting back in weekly yoga and swimming.

– richer or poorer?

About the same.

18 What do you wish you’d done more of?

Swimming in lakes and the sea. I got really into that in 2022 and would have loved to do more, so hoping there are lots of opportunities this year. And playing the piano – I still never play it enough.

19 What do you wish you’d done less of?

Losing my patience. phone fiddling.

20 How did you spend Christmas?

The fact my mom died on Boxing Day last year put somewhat of a pall over Christmas this year, but an excitable five-year-old made it easier to get through. My brother joined us for three days, then S’ parents visited over New Year. Unfortunately S’ mom arrived having been very poorly for two weeks, and it quickly became apparent she needed urgent medical care. She ended up spending four days in hospital being treated for pneumonia – a horrible echo of last year. Luckily, though, she responded really well to treatment and she’s now home and feeling much better.

21 Did you fall in love in 2022?

Only more than ever with my husband and my son.

22 What was your favourite TV programme?

I got absolutely obsessed with Stacey Solomon’s Sort Your Life Out at the start of the year. I’m sure it’s all linked to grief and needed order/structure, but it’s also really, really good TV. And it inspired me to even further streamline our stuff. I introduced my dad and brother to Detectorists at the start of the year, and we binged all three series while they were staying with us. It was almost like therapy for us all. My friend and I watched And Just Like That in January and February over the course of several nights with wine and snacks, in her gorgeously comfy and stylish living room, which was also a similar type of therapy. I know it had mixed reviews but I loved it. I finished This Is Us (I was in tears), watched the second series of Bump, and also enjoyed The Bear, Only Murders in the Building and Emily in Paris. Oh, and a very honourable mention for Bluey. It may be children’s TV but it’s such an amazing show.

23 What was the best book you read?

As usual, I read some amazing books this year and can’t pick just one. I got very into Taylor Jenkins Reid and absolutely loved Daisy Jones & the Six and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. TJR’s novels are completely addictive. Other notable books were City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert, Still Life by Sarah WInman (slow at first but unputdownable by the end) and Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell (can’t beat her for twisty thrillers). Two books that made me think and made me appreciate the mastery of writing were The Seven Lives of Evelyn Hardcastle (possibly the most mind-bending novel I’ve ever read) and The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. I wanted to love the latter so much because of the subject matter (hidden libraries! A quest! Secret societies!) but it got too bogged down in its own story at the end and definitely needed better editing. I also took a deep dive into Rainbow Rowell and read the Simon Snow trilogy, which was perfect YA.

24 What was your greatest musical discovery?

Rae Morris.

25 What did you want and get?

Six weeks off with Mini W in the summer, full of amazing adventures and fun.

26 What did you want and not get?

To fully break my annoying habit. But 2023 is the year!

27 What did you not want and not get?

To have my birthday and other special dates throughout the year disrupted by covid or other illness. Hurrah!

28 What was your favourite film of this year?

I actually can’t think of any that stick in my mind. I definitely watched some interesting ones, but lord knows what they were.

29 What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

I hit the big 4-0 and celebrated with a number of events. On the actual day I was at my brother’s holiday cottage in the Mendips with S, Mini W, my brother and my dad. We climbed Crook Peak, drank Champagne and enjoyed S’ epic three tier lemon and elderflower cake. Then two weeks later I had a big party for friends, dispatching Mini W to his grandparents for the weekend. It was so lovely to have so many amazing people under our roof, and to be able to celebrate in a way that’s not really been possible for the last two years. I also had a birthday trip to London in October to see my friend Little Z, where we went to an immersive performance of The Great Gatsby, the tickets for which we bought each other for our birthdays.

30 What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

Not having to deal with my mom’s death and the issues that it caused.

31 How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2022?

This was the year I finally dyed my hair pink, after wanting to do it for a while. I absolutely loved it and have already repinked it. I also got to wear one of my all-time favourite dresses three times — my red satin ballgown with mini train. And I bought yet another pleated skirt and a pleated dress. The obsession continues!

32 What kept you sane?

Hypnotherapy. Yoga. Swimming. Walks. My husband. My friends.

33 Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

I watched Stanley Tucci’s Searching for Italy and very much enjoyed watching Mr T casually conversing in Italian and getting excited over truffles and wine.

34 What political issue stirred you the most?

The general incompetence, corrpution and shambles of our government, particularly Liz Truss’ disastrous 45 day reign and the chaos that caused.

35 Who did you miss?

My mom.

36 Who was the best new person you met?

I didn’t actually meet any new people this year. But I remain very happy that I know so many awesome ones, so many of whom showed up for me in amazing ways.

37 Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2022.

It’s not a new one, but the fact it’s all about making memories was definitely reinforced this year.

38 Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

“Now he’s dancing alone, losing control
Moving from the memory in his bones
Dancing with character and he’ll never stop dancing ’til he’s back with her.”

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